Gram’ Ready @ Moxy Times Square (NYC)


For a very special evening at The Moxy Times Square (NYC), the Marriott Hotel chain hosted a night of live fashion illustration, to give guests an Instagram-ready moment to be proud of! During this 3-hour event, guests were able to drop by the Bar Moxy, where a conference room was especially set up for the occasion. Guests could sit comfortably while sipping on one of Moxy's specialty cocktails, while having their very on illustration created!

Each illustration was created on iPad (only up to 4 mins to draw!) on a variety of  pre-designed template featuring the Moxy Times Square logo, and were shared directly onto the guests phone or tablet via AirDrop, text or email - perfect for immediate social sharing!

For more info on the event, please click here

Thank you to the entire Moxy Times Square team for the wonderful experience!

With love,
